Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Last Night

It was my last night in Chicago and I was not ready to leave.  A part of me longed for the familiarity of home, but here I stood.  The crowed streets of Chicago are just another plot point in my chart of life with “no beginning or end,” just another step in the path.  I took a deep breath, and the cold air filled my lungs.  I did not want to let go.  The “Starry Night” encircled me like thousands of tiny dreams.

   I slid through the heavy gold doors to a small coffee shop.  A widened smile drew across my face as I saw an empty seat on a comfy chair.  I tugged on my scarf to unwrap my neck and pulled my computer out of my bag.  At this moment I was ready to begin my story.  

I was a traveler, a wanderer and I was going to make my mark here in Chicago. CHI-CA-GO—Frank Sinatra played in my head.  The inner struggle to leave the familiar and swan dive into the new, tugged at my heartstrings.  But how can one ready know themselves, if they have never started from point zero.

I realized that this is a new start. I am ready to let go.  

1 comment:

  1. This was one of my favorite projects that I have completed in my college experience. It gave me the opportunity to connect with other works and see the creativity of students in our class. The "Rhizome concept" illustrates the connectivity of concepts and how they are reliant on other works like our blogs. “A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo.” Deleuze and Guattari (A Thousand Plateaus: “Introduction: Rhizome)” These blogs forced me to look at other work and really appreciate the amazing stories that are illustrated. My individual blog has made me realize my own dream to branch out and leave familiarity. Throughout the journal entries, it is almost as if I have discovered what I want to accomplish. I have always wanted to work with a creative team and compile ideas to create something spectacular, and I feel that this blog project has done just that. To connect blogs with sometimes, unrelated topics, it creates this web and almost defines our class with connectivity. In the beginning of the year, one of the goals of What is a Text? was to define what a text is, and we discovered that it is a combination of mediums, text and narrations through the novels that we read. This blog project connected not only our reading but our individual lives as well. When we watched Exit Through the Gift Shop, I was slightly mesmerized by how art, no matter the medium is translated by the audience. When the “fame” passed from Banksy to Mr. Brainwash, it illustrated the loss of importance and back-story to the art itself. Banksy’s art reflects the issues in society that are unresolved. Mr. Brainwash created art that resembled Banksy’s art but it lacked meaning, it was mere replication. With our blogs, it was impossible to just have a mere replication of another students work because each of our blogs started differently and told a different story. In all, I would not have done anything differently and loved the project.
